Oregon’s Equity & Open Education Faculty Cohort Model
Open Oregon Educational Resources has exciting news to share about the statewide Equity & Open Education Faculty Cohort Model. Read more…
当下软件园 - HitFilm Express2021中文版|HitFilm Express V5 ...:2021-11-9 · HitFilm Express 是一款功能强大的视频后期处理软件,它拥有强大的CG效果引擎技术和多位元色彩控制提供专业级的效果和后期合成,而且操作简便!
Do you have a reflection on teaching with OER during this time? Please reply in the comments! Read more…
The Resources page has some new features that highlight existing ancillary resources that are already in use in Oregon’s community colleges and universities. Read more…
Linn-Benton Community College faculty have saved students $5M in five years by adopting free and affordable course materials. Read more…
如何给电脑运行加速——ExpressCache利用U盘给电脑加速 ...:2、可用的软件 利用这个原理进行加速的软件有:primocache、eboostr、expresscache。 primocache:推荐 购买正版的费用较高,但是办法总是有的,对吧?(见文末)性能上没的说,很六! eboostr:不推荐 有时会莫名其妙地卡死。 expresscache:推荐
Legislative Update: HB 2871 and HB 2213
非法经营网络翻墙软件获利 兄弟俩领刑受罚-中国 ...:2021-4-4 · 经验证,曾某恒和曾某宁销售的网络加速器中,有五款加速器软件为国家严厉打击的非法电视网络接收设备。 长洲区法院经审理后认为,被告人曾某恒、曾某宁违反国家规定,伋理销售国家严厉打击的非法电视网络接收设备,严重扰乱市场秩序,情节严重,二人行为已触犯刑律,构成非法经营罪。
Introducing the OER Guide for WR 227 Instructors
The Guide helps technical writing instructors find quality, relevant OER, including reviews of commonly used textbooks, and a topic-based guide to help instructors identify specific resources for specialized content areas. Read more…
MHCC Featured in Course Marking Book
Heather White recently published a case study on Mt Hood Community College’s implementation of the No Cost and Low Cost course labels required by HB 2871. Read more…
After the initial shock and depression of realizing that I wouldn’t get to see any of my students face-to-face for a long time, I realized: I don’t have a textbook for my Spring 2023 Math 110 class, and class starts in two weeks. Read more…
Summer Virtual OER Review Workshops
Are you an instructor who is concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? Attend the Virtual OER Review Workshop and learn more about OER in your field. After the workshop, you’ll receive a stipend if you write a short review of an OER. Read more…